Description of Services
The ancient and enduring liturgy of the Orthodox Church provides a rhythm of communal prayer. It brings us together and teaches us how to pray.
Brief descriptions of our main services are provided below. Though visitors are welcome at any of our services, we especially encourage them to first attend Saturday vespers, which they might find more accessible.
Vespers is the service of prayers at sunset, when we give thanks for the blessings of the past day and pray for God's care through the night. It is composed of psalms, hymns and prayers. Incense is offered to God as a symbol of our desire to honor Him with the sweetness of a faithful life.
Orthros (or Matins) is the service of prayers at sunrise, upon rising from sleep. As the light dawns, we honor Christ as the Sun of Righteousness who brings spiritual light to mankind. Very similar in composition to Vespers, the service comprises psalms, hymns, prayers, and the offering of incense.
The Divine Liturgy
The Divine Liturgy is our main service, in which we gather to hear the proclamation of the gospel and to receive Christ's Body and Blood in Holy Communion. It draws us together as the Body of Christ, so that we can draw near to God with prayers for ourselves and the whole world.